
Privacy Statement – Salvi Homes

Ironwood Homes Inc. and Salvi Homes Ltd. Privacy Statement

We respect your privacy!  Any and all information collected is kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, loaned, or otherwise disclosed. We collect personal information from our customers in the regular course of doing business.

The following information may be collected:

Customer name(s),

Customer addresses (current and new),

E-mail addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers,

Customer’s lawyer information (names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, fax numbers), and

Customer’s insurance information.

If we need to collect more information we will ask you directly and ensure you agree. We only collect information directly from our customers except when we have the customer’s consent to collect information elsewhere or as permitted by law to collect information without the customer’s consent.

We disclose customer’s personal information to certain of our sub-contractors and suppliers for the following reasons:

In order to allow them to contact our customer for instruction,

To allow our customer to purchase items which are required to complete the construction of their new home, or

To arrange to perform service and warranty work.

Our customers have the right to withdraw consent for our collection, use or disclosure of their personal information at anytime. However, if a customer does so it may affect their ability to have their construction contract completed as originally agreed. If our customer wishes to withdraw consent or has any questions about withdrawing consent, they should contact our privacy officer.

In most cases customers consent to us collecting, using and disclosing personal information for the purposes outlined above by simply agreeing to provide us with the personal information.

For further information call (780) 467-1543, fax (780) 467-3301, or e-mail privacyofficer1@salvi-homes.com.


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