
Savona | Luxury Condo Living | January 31, 2017 Update

Welcome to Savona’s first update of 2017!
It’s all upwards and onwards from here!

Leaving the winter wonderland behind for warmer weather? Have you completed that loooong checklist of chores to secure your home and deter theft?

In the latest MySavona blog, discover how condo living eliminates so much of the “prep work” that goes into every vacation. Forget those chores, and focus on fun in the sun!In spite of the severe weather conditions of recent weeks, we’re making impressive progress.

  • As of the end of December, the 186,489-sq.-ft. parkade is 60% complete.
  • The slab-on-grade pour for the commercial building should be completed in the next 3 to 6 weeks.
  • The main floor slab for the West Building has been formed and rebar placement is about to commence. The next pour, scheduled for February, will coincide with wood framing shortly thereafter.

If the weather cooperates, we plan to be out of the ground by summertime!

It can be tough to measure progress on a development when almost all the work to date has occurred underground. But check out our latest Construction Timelapse video to see just how far we’ve come in a few short months!

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